
The Deaf/Deaf-Blind Community in the city centre have been part of this chaplaincy for over 40 years.  

It is widely acknowledged that wildlife and the natural environment contributes positively to both well-being and the spiritual healing of people in general, with particular resonance for those who face extra challenges in life.  

Against the backdrop of the current pandemic, it is even more salient that creative, appropriate, positive and socially-distanced forums are available for communal benefit.

There are over 270 species of bee in the UK and many are endangered. This project is our contribution to a city-wide pollinator plan which our unique project will compliment, and a creative contribution to equality, diversity and inclusion.

The Project

After scoping local stakeholders and seeking advice from City Council, ecologists, and other professionals, the NCCC team wish to:

  1. Specifically create a ‘Bee Highway’ in our grounds with pollinator plants, incorporating bumble bee nesting pots within it.
  2. Create a sensory garden, wild-flower area, and symbolic plants that would also be appropriate for the Deaf/Deaf-blind community.

Desired outcome(s)

  1. The garden and bee highway will also benefit sighted people and demonstrate good stewardship.
  2. Bring nature into the urban context, to link history and tradition with education, and city folk with a positive experience of wildlife in the heart of their city.
  3. Develops our partnership with inner-city groups/projects working with schools & youth groups to re-engage with the natural environment.
  4. The Deaf/Deaf-Blind community have equal and regular access to a positive facility in the heart of their city.